New Jersey Drones: What The Bright Lights In The Sky Might Really Be
Over the past week, there have been numerous reports of unusual lights in the sky across the northeast United States, primarily in New Jersey, as well as surrounding states such as New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Massachusetts, and even Ohio. While many are quick to speculate about mysterious flying objects, the truth may be far more mundane.
As an award-winning reporter covering the night sky, I have analyzed these sightings and can confidently say that there are several celestial explanations for what you might be seeing in the sky.
One of the most plausible explanations is satellites. Many people are unaware that hundreds of satellites are currently orbiting Earth, and some may be visible as bright lights in the sky. If you see a constant white light crossing the sky, it’s likely to be one of these satellites, particularly SpaceX Starlink satellites which have been launched recently.
Another possible culprit behind the strange sightings is Jupiter, our solar system’s largest planet. As part of its annual opposition phase, Jupiter has reached its brightest point and will remain a dominant feature in the night sky until mid-January. The bright lights people are reporting could be none other than this gas giant.
Furthermore, Venus may also be contributing to the confusion. At present, it is setting shortly after sunset but shining very brightly before doing so, which could be mistaken for an unknown drone. It’s no surprise that UFO sightings often increase when Venus is in its “Evening Star” phase, as it currently is.
Lastly, Mars is another possibility worth considering. With its opposition on January 16th, the red planet will continue to shine brightly and appear larger than usual in the sky for the next few weeks. It’s also rising shortly after sunset in the east, behind Jupiter, making it an easy target for mistaken drone sightings.
While these explanations are certainly not as exciting as alien spacecraft or mysterious drones, they do provide a more rational explanation for what people are reporting to have seen in the night sky.
As we approach the holiday season, I encourage everyone to take a moment to step outside and appreciate the natural beauty of our universe. Remember to keep an open mind and don’t jump to conclusions when it comes to unexplained phenomena.
Source: http://www.forbes.com