I’ve Been Sober For Three Years, But Terribly Miss Drinking At Christmas Time. Then I Remind Myself Of The Profound Idea That’s Changed My Life: There’s No Such Thing As ‘Just A Glass’
As the holiday season approaches, many of us are faced with the temptation to indulge in festive drinks and merriment. However, for those who have made the conscious decision to abstain from alcohol, it can be particularly challenging. I’m no exception – three years sober now, but still struggling with the urge to join in on the revelry.
As someone who has been through the process of quitting drinking, I’ve come to realize that there’s a crucial mindset shift that’s helped me stay on track: there’s no such thing as ‘just a glass.’ This profound idea has changed my life, and it’s essential to remember it during this time of year when social pressure can be overwhelming.
At the onset of my sobriety journey, I thought giving up drinking would be easy. I mean, what’s one glass of wine or beer? But the truth is, those initial sips often lead down a slippery slope of addiction and regret. One glass becomes two, two becomes three, and before you know it, you’re back to square one.
It wasn’t until I fully grasped this concept that my journey became more manageable. When I catch myself thinking, “Just one won’t hurt,” I’m reminded that there’s no such thing as ‘just a glass.’ The line is always blurry, and the consequences are often severe.
Now, I’m not naive – I know some people can have a drink or two without issue. But for those of us who’ve struggled with addiction, it’s crucial to acknowledge the truth: once you start, it’s difficult to stop. And that’s why it’s essential to stay vigilant during this time of year.
I’m not suggesting we all become Scrooges and avoid social gatherings altogether. Rather, I urge everyone to approach these situations with mindfulness and self-awareness. Remember that there’s no such thing as ‘just a glass,’ and that one sip can easily turn into a full-blown relapse.
As the festive season approaches, I want to extend my support to anyone who is struggling with sobriety or addiction. You are not alone in this fight, and it’s okay to ask for help when you need it. And if you’re anything like me, take comfort in knowing that there’s no such thing as ‘just a glass.’
Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk