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Cardano (ADA) Historical Pattern Hints Major Breakout Ahead: Analyst
Recent developments in the Cardano (ADA) space have led many to speculate about the future direction of its price. While some experts may be hesitant to make predictions, at least one analyst has noticed a concerning historical pattern that could indicate a major breakout is imminent.
According to an expert analysis shared by Tomiwabold Olajide, a seasoned cryptocurrency analyst, the current market conditions closely mirror those leading up to significant price movements in the past. In other words, we may be on the cusp of something big – potentially a massive gain for ADA holders.
What’s more, as seen below, the Plomin hard fork could play a crucial role in shaping the future trajectory of Cardano’s market capitalization.
The analyst has identified six possible dates for this hard fork: Jan. 4, 9, 14, 19, 24 and 29. Any governance action submitted now will be considered at one of these epochs.
Source: u.today