Community-Led Efforts Safeguard Sharks And Rays In South Australia
In a groundbreaking achievement for marine conservation, the government of South Australia has implemented the nation’s most comprehensive protections for sharks and rays. This decisive move was driven by a community-led campaign that has garnered widespread support from conservation groups, researchers, and recreational users alike.
The new regulations aim to safeguard 77 species of shark, ray, and chimaera from overfishing and inhumane treatment. The rules include total fishing bans for eight species of sharks, no-take limits for 12 species of skates and stingarees, as well as catch size restrictions for several types of rays.
The remarkable success of this initiative is largely attributed to the tireless efforts of Chloe Roberts, a PhD candidate at Flinders University and researcher with the Southern Shark Ecology Group. Collaborating closely with The Shark and Ray Coalition, Chloe played a pivotal role in rallying support from conservationists, scientists, and recreational users to submit detailed proposals to South Australia’s Primary Industries and Regions SA (PIRSA) in 2022.
The new regulations come with stiff penalties for violations, including fines of up to AUD $20,000. Sarah Cameron, a conservationist with The Shark and Ray Coalition, emphasized the significance of this achievement: “South Australia was lagging behind other nations in its marine conservation efforts. We are thrilled that our voices have been heard, and I hope that this will inspire similar measures in other states and territories.”
The implementation of these rules will involve a comprehensive communication plan led by PIRSA and supported by the coalition. This initiative aims to educate fishers about the new regulations and teach them how to safely release unwanted or protected catch.
According to Chloe Roberts, around one-third of all sharks, rays, and chimaeras worldwide face conservation issues largely driven by fishing pressures. She emphasized that this landmark achievement is not only about enforcing regulations but also fostering a cultural shift in how these animals are perceived and treated. The regulations aim to ensure the long-term sustainability of South Australia’s marine ecosystems, where these animals play vital roles as predators and ecosystem engineers.
“It’s time these sentient marine animals were afforded the respect and regulations given to land animals,” Cameron stated.
The conservation community is celebrating this hard-earned victory, and it is hoped that this success will inspire similar measures in other states and territories.
Source: http://www.forbes.com