The “Craziest” Month of the Year? January 2023 Delivers
As I sit here typing away, I’m reminded of a particular scene from Mel Brooks’ masterpiece, “The Producers.” You see, it’s not just about Nazis – no, it’s about the absurdity of life. And January has provided us with six stories that have left me wondering: can things get any more bonkers?
1. Elon Musk and Donald Trump
Who would have thought? The two most unlikely individuals in the world, Musk and Trump, find themselves at the center of controversy. It seems they’ve given us a lesson on how to create unnecessary chaos.
Let’s face it – I’d rather not dwell on the details. But when the media gets caught up in their own propaganda, that’s where we get real entertainment.
2. Reese Witherspoon and Her Unlikely Role
Reese Witherspoon, the star of “Legally Blonde,” has become an unlikely hero after refusing to dodge her civic duty. Who knew she was a fan favorite among jurors? It seems they thought she had gone to law school due to her previous roles! Good on them for choosing the right person; I’m more surprised that she didn’t end up in some sort of legal thriller.
3. PETA’s Frozen Fiasco
When you think “crazy,” don’t forget about animals and animal rights organizations. A PETA duo tried to dump a truckload of manure at their competitors, ASPCA HQ, only to realize it was the wrong time – Manhattan was in the midst of a record-breaking cold front! The pair froze as they frantically tried to get the poo out of the truck, while the New York authorities locked them up.
4. Some Crazy PETA Attempt
In another PETA-related story, two activists took matters into their own hands after becoming enraged at the sight of some fish being transported. Who needs lawyers when you have a sledgehammer? Now they’re in jail for animal cruelty and destruction of property.
Source: http://www.foxnews.com