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A Whiff of Bias and a Troubling Cloak of Secrecy Being Thrown Around Vital Scrutiny of the Momentous Bill to Legalize Assisted Dying
As we navigate this tumultuous moment in our nation’s history, it has become increasingly clear that certain factions are hell-bent on silencing dissenting voices. The recent controversy surrounding the Bill to legalize assisted dying is a prime example of this troubling trend.
In a shocking display of bias, some have seen fit to suppress vital scrutiny of this pivotal piece of legislation, opting instead to fan the flames of division and discord. Meanwhile, others have been muzzled from sharing their opinions, their voices drowned out by the cacophony of opposing viewpoints.
But what about those who dare to challenge the status quo? Are they too being stifled in their pursuit of truth and transparency? It appears that, for some reason, certain figures are more equal than others when it comes to this crucial debate.
The notion that we must remain silent on issues as weighty as assisted dying is a fallacy. It’s high time that we put aside our differences and engage in a frank discussion about the implications of this Bill.
Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk