Title: Tesla Shot to Mars Was Warning About Elon Musk’s Irresponsibility, Says Space Law Expert
Space law expert Thomas Cheney has spoken out about the launch of a Tesla Roadster into space in 2018. The car, which was launched by SpaceX and contained a dummy driver named “Starman,” has sparked concerns that it could potentially cause damage to Earth or other celestial bodies.
According to Cheney, the incident highlights Elon Musk’s lack of responsibility when it comes to his actions as a businessman. “It is imperative that space governance be done responsibly and for justifiable purposes, not on the whims of a billionaire,” he emphasized.
Cheney also stated that there is zero risk of Musk facing any legal consequences for launching the car into space. The only circumstances under which Musk could potentially face trouble are if his Tesla hits another human-made object and causes damage or if it re-enters Earth’s atmosphere and damages something on the planet.
In an exclusive interview with Forbes, Cheney explained that there is no chance of Musk being held accountable for his actions. According to him, the Liability Convention and the Outer Space Treaty dictate that SpaceX would need to prove that the Tesla was at fault in order for legal action to be taken against them.
Cheney went on to emphasize that if the Tesla were to land on another celestial body, there is no guarantee that anyone has standing to take legal action.
Source: http://www.forbes.com