AI Pioneer Fei-Fei Li Urges Policymakers to Ground AI Policy in Reality
In a passionate appeal, renowned AI researcher and entrepreneur Fei-Fei Li has emphasized the need for AI policy decisions to be rooted firmly in scientific fact rather than speculative fantasy. Speaking ahead of next week’s AI Action Summit in Paris, Dr. Li, often referred to as “the Godmother of AI,” presented three fundamental principles for policymakers to follow when crafting policies that govern the development and deployment of artificial intelligence technologies.
Li’s first principle is a resounding call to reality: policy must be based on “science, not science fiction.” According to the esteemed expert, policymakers should eschew dramatic, far-fetched scenarios and instead focus on the current state-of-the-art in AI research. This, she argues, will allow for more informed, evidence-based decision-making that prioritizes actual challenges over hypothetical apocalypses or utopias.
Dr. Li’s second principle is a plea for pragmatic policymaking. In her view, policies should be crafted with the goal of minimizing unintended consequences while encouraging innovation and progress in AI research. This requires a nuanced understanding of the complex interactions between human beings, machines, and the broader society.
Lastly, she stresses that policy must empower the entire AI ecosystem, including open-source communities and academia. Open access to AI models and computational tools is crucial for fostering continued innovation, according to Dr. Li. Limiting such access will erect barriers and stifle innovation, particularly among academic institutions and researchers who are already at a disadvantage compared to their private-sector counterparts.
As one of the world’s leading authorities on AI, Dr. Li’s words carry significant weight in shaping the future of AI policy-making.