Do This 1 Thing Or The New Google Chrome Security Update Won’t Protect You
Google has recently issued a new security update for the Chrome web browser, addressing three newly discovered vulnerabilities. As always, these updates are critical to ensuring your online safety and security. However, in order to be protected from potential attacks, there is one crucial step you must take.
Contrary to popular belief, the Chrome update process is not entirely automated. While the browser will eventually update itself, this process can take time – a luxury that attackers will undoubtedly exploit. Therefore, it’s essential to initiate the update manually and ensure your protection as soon as possible.
To achieve this, navigate to the Help|About option in the Google Chrome menu and execute a check for any available updates. If an update is available, you’ll be prompted to install it. However, there’s one more crucial step: restarting the browser.
Unless you restart your Chrome browser, the update won’t be activated, leaving you vulnerable to potential attacks. Think of it as an opportunity to clear out unnecessary tabs and free up some memory – just close those pesky tabs you’ve been meaning to clean up for weeks, and hit that restart button.
Source: http://www.forbes.com