How to Prop Up Human IP in the AI Age
As the world becomes increasingly immersed in the realm of artificial intelligence (AI), it’s essential for creatives and innovators to adapt and evolve alongside these advancements. One crucial aspect is ensuring that human intellectual property (IP) remains a vital component in the creative process. The stakes are high, as a recent study by the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers suggests that AI competition may jeopardize 21% to 24% of all revenues for human content creators by 2028.
The report highlights the urgent need for innovative approaches to compensate artists for their work. To combat this impending threat, it’s imperative to explore alternative revenue models that promote human creativity and safeguard the value of art created by fully biological brains, as opposed to neural nets or large language models.
A possible solution is showcased in a new platform called Gigastar, which enables YouTube creators to crowd-source funding for their projects. This innovative approach can help alleviate concerns regarding the uncertainty of investment returns by providing transparency into future ad revenue from their channels. Although initial feedback has been met with skepticism and wariness due to investor reasoning, it represents a vital component in promoting human creativity in the AI age.
Industry leaders are also emphasizing the importance of ensuring that AI properly shares revenue with human creators. According to Bill Gross, founder of IDEA lab, “We’re just looking for a way to make sure that AI properly shares revenue with human creators.” This goal is not only crucial but also realistic, as platforms like Spotify and YouTube have already implemented revenue-sharing models.
Ultimately, the onus lies on creatives, innovators, and policymakers to develop strategies that prioritize the value of human creativity. By embracing innovative approaches and advocating for fair compensation, we can ensure that AI advancements propel humanity forward without sacrificing artistic integrity or devaluing the essence of creative work.
Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnwerner/2025/02/24/how-to-prop-up-human-ip-in-the-ai-age/