Is It Time To Talk About Chewing Gum And Plastic?
The world has become increasingly aware of the devastating impact of plastic waste on our environment and health. However, one often overlooked area where plastic is still prevalent is in the form of chewing gum. A new campaign launched by City to Sea and Nuud urges the UK government to ban the use of plastic in chewing gum products.
According to Nuud’s founder Keir Carnie, regular chewing gum contains a “drinking-straws worth of single-use plastic hidden” within each piece. This shocking revelation has sparked concerns about the long-term effects on both human health and environmental well-being. The fact that such a large percentage of chewing gum products are packaged in additional layers of plastic only serves to exacerbate the issue.
The charity City to Sea has teamed up with Nuud for this new campaign, which aims to raise awareness about the detrimental impact of plastic-based chewing gum. The charity’s chief executive Jane Martin likens chewing gum consumption to “biting into a plastic straw” due to its ability to break down into microplastics that are inhaled, ingested, and absorbed by the body. This, in turn, has been linked to serious health issues including obesity, fertility problems, and even cancer.
Moreover, this plastic waste finds itself stuck on pavements and eventually ends up in landfills or rivers and oceans, perpetuating a vicious cycle of pollution that seems to have no end. Even if disposed of properly, the plastic chewing gum lingers indefinitely in landfills, leaving a lasting impact on our environment.
In response to these concerns, some industry leaders are calling for biodegradable and 100% biobased certifications for chewing gum products. Milliways founder Tom Raviv recommends introducing a plastic tax on manufacturers that use petroleum-based plastics, while scrapping the VAT added to plant-based alternatives. This would promote sustainable and eco-friendly practices throughout the sector.
Rachel Watkyn, founder of packaging business Tiny Box Company, emphasizes the importance of responsible packaging. Even when properly disposed of, gum is packaged in additional layers of plastic, adding to the environmental damage. She highlights that every piece of gum chewed contributes to the spread of plastic pollution, a reality many UK residents remain unaware of.
The campaigners are urging policymakers to take immediate action against this hidden menace. Whether it’s through legislation or education, there needs to be a collective effort from government and consumers alike to address this issue head-on.