iPhones are Briefly Changing “Racist” to “Trump” Due to an iOS Dictation Issue
A bizarre bug is causing iPhones to automatically change the word “racist” to “Trump” when using the built-in dictation feature in iOS. This strange issue has been discovered by TikTok users and appears to occur when using the voice-to-text feature in Apple apps like Messages.
When speaking the word “racist,” the dictation feature briefly transcribes the text as “Trump” before changing it back to the intended word. It’s unclear what could cause this behavior, but Apple has attributed the issue to “phonetic overlap between the two words.” This explanation seems insufficient, considering the two words do not sound similar.
Furthermore, it’s puzzling why “racist,” with a lowercase “r” would transcribe as “Trump” and not “trump,” which refers to an unrelated noun. An AI expert who formerly worked on Siri suggested that this could be a “serious prank” by an Apple employee.
Regardless of the reason behind this issue, it has surfaced at an inconvenient time for Apple. The company recently announced its plan to invest $500 billion in manufacturing facilities for AI servers. This decision was made after CEO Tim Cook met with President Donald Trump at the White House last week.