Wellness Trends That Might Be Secretly Harming You
As a psychologist, I’ve noticed that many wellness trends focus on creating a sense of control and optimization in our lives. However, some of these practices might be inadvertently causing harm rather than promoting well-being.
1. Biohacking and Health Anxiety
The obsession with optimizing health through supplements and biohacking can create hyper-awareness of bodily sensations, increasing health anxiety. People may constantly analyze how every supplement, diet tweak or biohack affects their body, leading to stress instead of well-being. Research suggests that the nocebo effect can be triggered by simply expecting negative side effects, making them a reality.
2. Solo Travel and Stress
Solo travel can also trigger chronic hypervigilance, especially in unfamiliar or unsafe environments. The pressure to make solo travel “transformative” can create unrealistic expectations, turning what should be a break into another source of stress. Having no immediate support when things go wrong can make an already stressful situation worse.
3. Toxic Positivity and Emotional Suppression
The pressure to “stay positive” at all times can lead to emotional suppression rather than true emotional well-being. When people believe they must always maintain a “high vibe” state to attract their desires, they may push away difficult emotions instead of processing them. Research highlights that bottling up emotions can lead to stress and other health issues, whereas acknowledging and processing emotions promotes mental clarity and well-being.
4. Overemphasis on Supplements and Biohacks
Supplements and biohacks might not be the magical solution everyone advertises them to be. They can cause harm if used without proper medical supervision or in conjunction with poor lifestyle choices. Furthermore, relying solely on supplements may distract from addressing foundational issues like sleep quality, nutrition, and stress management.
5. Wellness as a Competition
The wellness space has become increasingly competitive. We compare our progress to others’ and feel inadequate when we don’t meet society’s standards. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy, guilt, or shame. The emphasis on competition may make people focus more on appearance than overall well-being.
To avoid these negative consequences, it is crucial to recognize the importance of emotional authenticity, self-awareness, and flexibility in our wellness journeys.