A “heartbreaking” photo of a McDonald’s PlayPlace has sparked a social media firestorm, with many users expressing their concern and dismay at the sight.
The photograph, posted on Twitter by Nancy French, shows a children’s play area that appears to be devoid of toys or other interactive activities. Instead, there are screens installed everywhere, seemingly encouraging kids to engage in screen-based entertainment.
“I went back in to make sure I didn’t miss something,” French wrote. “There was this column thing that might be for getting kids to exercise. But I don’t think this is temporary. I think this is it.”
Many Twitter users expressed their shock and dismay at the photo, with some accusing McDonald’s of contributing to the growing problem of excessive screen time among children.
“If kids won’t pick up toys to play with anymore and demand screens – businesses provide what the consumer keeps asking for, repeatedly,” one user wrote. “The digital heroin conditioning.”
Others defended McDonald’s, arguing that it is not their responsibility to ensure children are getting enough exercise or engaging in other activities.
“Seems fine to me,” one person commented. “McDonalds is not a childcare facility. They are there to eat.”
However, the majority of users appeared to be appalled by the sight and expressed concern about the long-term effects of excessive screen time on children’s health and well-being.
As reported by Fox News, the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry recommends that children under the age of 2 limit their screen time to zero, while older children should engage in healthy habits and limit activities that include screens.