Today’s ‘Wordle’ #1364 Hints, Clues And Answer For Friday, March 14th
TGIF! It’s finally Friday, and I’m excited to help you solve today’s Wordle puzzle. Before we dive in, don’t forget that it’s also 2XP Friday, so be sure to double your points, regardless of whether they’re positive or negative.
**Hint:** Part (of a puzzle, e.g.)
**Clue:** Today’s Wordle has more vowels than consonants.
With the hint and clue in mind, I started my guessing game by checking Wordle Bot to help analyze my attempts. It seems I was initially thinking of Amazon Prime Video when making my first guesses. Thankfully, my opening guess, PRIME, left me with only four options, but I still wasn’t confident enough to make a choice. Instead, I opted for the word I thought it should be, rather than the best possible solution. Unfortunately, PIECE was not the correct answer… at first.
Luckily, I had three remaining options, and after re-examining my possibilities, I discovered that PIECE was indeed the correct Wordle! Woohoo!
**Answer:** Today’s Wordle is **PIECE**.
As always, let’s review our competitive Wordle score. According to my analysis with Wordle Bot, 1 point can be earned by guessing in three and 0 points for tying the Bot. Since it’s 2XP Friday, both the Bot and I will double our scores. My new total is now 15 points, while the Bot has a running total of 5 points.
If you’re not familiar with the scoring system, don’t worry! It’s easy to keep track: guessing in 1 is worth 3 points; guessing in 2 is worth 2 points; guessing in 3 is worth 1 point; guessing in 4 is worth 0 points; guessing in 5 is -1 point; guessing in 6 is -2 points and missing the Wordle is -3 points. In case of a win, you earn 1 point, while a tie results in 0 points. Unfortunately, losing to your opponent yields -1 point.
Remember that Fridays are special because they offer double points – regardless of whether your score is positive or negative. You can choose to keep track of your daily progress or start fresh each day. Enjoy the game!
Before I conclude, I’d like to provide some etymological insight into today’s Wordle answer. The term “piece” originates from Old French, where it meant “part, portion, or fragment.” This word has undergone significant changes and can be traced back to Vulgar Latin “pettia” or “pettia,” which also conveyed a fragmentary meaning. While its ultimate origin remains uncertain, there’s a possibility that it stems from Gaulish or Celtic roots.
Now it’s your turn! How did you fare with today’s Wordle puzzle? Share your thoughts and strategies on social media using the hashtags #Wordle, #Gaming, and #PuzzleSolving.