Title: DAVID MARCUS: MAGA’s H-1B ‘Civil War’ Is Exactly How Politics Is Supposed to Work
In a column for Fox News, David Marcus argues that the recent debate over H-1B visas within the MAGA (Make America Great Again) movement is a positive development for American politics. He contends that the “civil war” over this issue has ultimately led to a more constructive and nuanced discussion about the complexities of immigration policy.
Marcus begins by acknowledging the significant divisions within the MAGA camp, stating that while there may be differences, these disputes are essential to working out problems in a democratic society. He notes that the recent controversy surrounding H-1B visas has been framed as a “civil war” and suggests that this characterization is misleading. Instead, he portrays the debate as an example of healthy political discourse.
According to Marcus, the debate highlights the need for compromise on issues like immigration policy. He emphasizes that both sides must be willing to find common ground in order to create effective solutions. The columnist underscores the importance of constructive dialogue and mutual understanding in achieving this goal.
Marcus also takes aim at critics who accused opponents of H-1B visas of being anti-South Asian, describing these accusations as a “terrible lie” that failed to gain traction. He warns against resorting to divisive tactics like pointing fingers at racism, noting that such strategies can be exploited by foreign adversaries seeking to stoke divisions in the United States.
Finally, Marcus praises President-elect Donald Trump’s ability to bring together factions within his base and foster a more collaborative environment. He suggests that this capacity for unity will serve him well during his presidency.
In conclusion, Marcus believes that the H-1B debate represents an exemplary example of how political debates should unfold: with passion, conviction, but ultimately, with a willingness to listen and find common ground.
Source: http://www.foxnews.com