Sentient Launches Novel Chat Bot, Waitlist Hits 1 Million Accounts in 24 Hours
In a groundbreaking move, AI-focused startup Sentient has launched its revolutionary chatbot, dubbed Sentient Chat. The innovative application is powered by Dobby, the world’s first community-owned AI model, and has already seen an unprecedented response from users.
Within just 24 hours of its unveiling, Sentient Chat’s waitlist has reached a staggering one million potential accounts. This remarkable feat demonstrates the significant demand for a chatbot that not only offers utility but also provides ownership benefits to its users.
Sentient Chat is designed to combine the benefits of both conversational AI and community engagement. By engaging with the chatbot, users will be contributing to its development and growth, ultimately creating an ecosystem that rewards user involvement.
The implications of this technology are far-reaching, as it has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with AI systems. No longer just a tool for simple queries or entertainment, Sentient Chat aims to empower users by providing a sense of ownership and agency in the development process.
As the waitlist continues to grow, it is clear that there is a significant appetite for innovative AI solutions that prioritize user engagement and benefit sharing.
Source: https://u.today/sentient-launches-novel-chat-bot-waitlist-hits-1-million-accounts-in-24-hours