How to Stop Doomscrolling
As a society, we’ve become increasingly dependent on our screens. It’s easy to get sucked into the vortex of social media, news, and other online content. Before you know it, hours have passed and you’re left feeling drained and anxious. But there are ways to break this cycle and stop doomscrolling.
One way is to put down your phone entirely for a while. This might seem drastic, but sometimes taking a digital detox can be incredibly beneficial. It forces you to confront the world without the constant stream of information coming at you. You may find that you’re more productive and creative when you’re not constantly bombarded by updates.
Another option is to replace social media with other activities. Here are some physical devices that can help:
* E-book readers: Instead of scrolling through your phone, why not try a good book? There are plenty of e-book apps available that let you customize your reading experience. You could also check out Libby, which connects you with your local library and allows you to access e-books and audiobooks.
* Games: Yes, games can be addictive, but at least they won’t fill your mind with terrible news. There are plenty of bite-sized games available that you can play in short bursts, like the ones offered by The New York Times Games app. LinkedIn has also taken notice and offers some fun options as well.
In addition to these devices, there are a few strategies you can use to stop doomscrolling:
* Set screen time limits: Many phone apps allow you to set limits on how much time you spend using them each day. Take advantage of this feature to ensure that you’re not getting too sucked in.
* Practice mindfulness: Pay attention to when and why you reach for your phone. Are you doing it out of boredom? Anxiety? Try to identify the root cause and address it with a healthier habit, like meditation or exercise.
Remember, breaking the cycle of doomscrolling takes time and effort. It’s not something that can be accomplished overnight.
Source: https://techcrunch.com/2025/03/09/how-to-stop-doomscrolling/