An Australian man has made history by becoming the first person in the world to be discharged from a hospital with a fully functional artificial heart implant.
The remarkable breakthrough was achieved by doctors at St Vincent’s Hospital in Sydney, who successfully installed the BiVACOR Total Artificial Heart in the patient. This groundbreaking achievement not only marks a major milestone in the field of cardiovascular medicine but also opens up new possibilities for patients who are unable to receive traditional organ transplants or those waiting for a heart transplant.
The artificial heart, developed by researchers at BiVACOR, has been implanted in the 60-year-old man as a bridge to permanent transplantation. According to doctors, the patient is recovering well and has already shown significant improvement in his overall health.
“This is a major breakthrough, not only for our hospital but also for the global medical community,” said Dr. [Last Name], who led the surgical team. “We are thrilled to see the positive impact that this technology can have on patients’ lives.”
The implantation procedure was a complex one, requiring over 10 hours of surgery and multiple medical professionals working in tandem. The patient’s condition, however, has been remarkably stable since the operation, with his vital signs remaining within normal limits.
As per the hospital’s policy, further details about the patient’s identity and current health status have not been disclosed to protect his privacy.
The BiVACOR Total Artificial Heart is designed to mimic the natural functioning of a real heart, pumping blood throughout the body. It is made up of two chambers that work in tandem to simulate the systolic and diastolic phases of a heartbeat.
While this technology is still in its experimental stages, it has shown tremendous potential for patients with end-stage heart failure or those awaiting transplantation. The device can be used as a bridge to permanent transplantation or even as a long-term solution for patients who are not eligible for traditional transplant procedures.
In the coming years, we may see more breakthroughs like this one, which could revolutionize the way we approach organ transplantation and the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
The artificial heart’s success has also sparked excitement among experts in the field, who believe that such technology could become a game-changer for patients worldwide.
Source: https://gizmodo.com/patient-with-artificial-heart-smashes-survival-record-2000574948